Thursday, May 20, 2010

Drafting Patterns

I decided to make my own pattern.  I don't have any training in drafting patterns.  I'm self taught, so there very well might be an easier way to do this.  I'm a visual person.  If I can create what's in my head quickly, if I can figure out the problems before I start a project, then I'm a happy camper. 

My quick sketch, with approximate measurements:

Basically once you have an idea, rough measurements you can start to put together your paper bag! I know you're all wondering what I'm talking about so...

Pull out your pattern paper.

Yup, that's a Costco sized roll of freezer paper.  I picked it up years ago and use it for everything!  Craft project, paper drafting, freezing food!  It's a lot of bang for your buck! 

OK, now that we have our paper, let's get drafting:

All we are doing is transferring our sketch to the pattern paper, making it the size we want.  When that's done, cut out the pieces, tape them together and you have a paper bag!

Adjust the pattern as needed from here.  I'll need to make the handles longer, and maybe the bag a bit wider.  I did test out the space:

I think there is more than enough to tote things around. 

Years ago I posted this method on Craftster using blue painters tape.  I still like to use the blue tape better than any other kind, it just wasn't handy for putting this bag together.

Tomorrow:  the test sew!

And for Inspiration Thursday, how about some other sites that talk about pattern drafting?

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